Hwang Seon-hong, who is making a fresh start in Daejeon Emphasizes to the players, ‘Look at the same place’

Hwang Seon-hong, who is making a fresh start in Daejeon Emphasizes to the players, ‘Look at the same place’

Blog Article

"Let's make sure that when we go out, we can be bright and cheerful. Our voices need to be loud and the playground needs

to be noisy!"

Coach Hwang Seon-hong, who took charge of Daejeon Hana Citizen in the K League 1 professional soccer team again after

four years, greeted the players for the first time at the training ground with a bright face.

After finishing his inauguration press conference at Daejeon World Cup Stadium on the afternoon of the 5th, Coach

Hwang went straight to Deokam Soccer Center where the players were waiting and directed the first training session.

Coach Hwang put his arm around the shoulders of the newly appointed players and shouted a slogan together to signal the

start of the first training session.

Coach Hwang, who took responsibility for the team's failure to advance to the 2024 Paris Olympics, explained in front of

reporters why he accepted the offer to take charge of Daejeon, saying, "At this point, I decided to believe in myself and try


Coach Hwang, who was unable to take the U-23 national team to Paris, where the Olympics will be held this year, is in a

position where he must clear the stain that has covered his career as a coach.

Daejeon also needs a comeback and a rebound.

They have dropped to 11th place with 3 wins, 5 draws, and 8 losses in 16 games this season, accumulating only 14 points,

and their ranking has recently been stagnant.

Daejeon, which first fell to last place at the end of March, rose to 9th place only once and has been hovering between 10th

and 12th place the rest of the time.

The Daejeon club leadership, desperate to somehow shake off the shadow of relegation, sought out experienced coach

Hwang and gave him another 안전 chance.

Midfielder Lee Soon-min, who became the team captain immediately after transferring to Daejeon ahead of the start of

this season, said, "The coach told me how he would lead this team. I remember him saying, 'One team, one goal.'"

He added, "My philosophy as a leader has always been that everyone should look in the same direction and move forward

as one team."

Lee Soon-min emphasized, "We have nowhere to retreat and nothing to lose," and added, "We need to reflect on our past

behavior, but if we get caught up in that in future games and lose confidence as the season progresses, I think things will

get worse."

Coach Hwang also pointed out that Daejeon's biggest problem was the 'psychological aspect'.

Coach Hwang said, "I watched the first game (in Daejeon) and all the recent games, and while the technical aspect is

important, there were many cases where they made unfavorable choices because they were psychologically driven by the

obsession to win," adding, "We need to improve this aspect."

Lee Soon-min said he would trust and follow Director Hwang.

He said, "After Coach Lee Min-seong left, the players and I, as the captain, had a hard time because of the chaotic

atmosphere, but the club made a quick decision and brought in a new coach," and expressed his expectations by saying,

"He's showing his colors, and if we believe in him and follow him, I think we'll be able to sort out the chaotic situation


Veteran midfielder Joo Se-jong, who has been under coach Hwang's guidance at FC Seoul since 2016, said, "The players

were curious about the coach's training program and tactics, but I have also been with him for a long time," and "I am also

looking forward to new training and tactics as he was in charge of the Olympic national team."

Joo Se-jong agreed with the need for 'leading, dominating, and sophisticated soccer' that Coach Hwang emphasized.

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